40+ Mental Health for Men

Need a helping hand?

What’s 40+ all about?

You come to this site looking for support, regardless of what you are dealing with every bloke needs to be heard. I am not an expert or a professional in mental health, nor do I have any formal qualifications in this arena, but I do have my own journey which I will share with you on this blog and I hope that by reading this you can see that change is possible, your symptoms your experience now are not forever and that there are many others going through the same and similar to what you are right now.
The key is to take it one day at a time, not to overthink the situation, and be brave to reach out to your mates and talk about where you are at regardless of judgement.

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We want to hear from you, your story, what are you going through right now, more than likely others are going through exactly the same or have been. Our community is your support and can help you. If you are a professional in mental health we invite your contributions — let’s start the conversation.
You can join our Facebook Group from the link below

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